MRSC Annual General Meeting 2014
14th July 2014 By Munster Rugby Supporters Club
The Annual General Meeting of the Munster Rugby Supporters Club will be held on Wednesday 27th August, at 7.30 p.m. in The Charleville Park Hotel.
The Annual General Meeting of the Munster Rugby Supporters Club will be held on Wednesday 27th August, at 7.30 p.m. in The Charleville Park Hotel.
Under the Constitution of the club, attendance at the AGM is open to Full Members Only.
Nominations for the position of club secretary and committee members of the club and motions for consideration are to be submitted by 6th August.
1) Only Full members of the Club are eligible for election.
2) Each nomination will require a proposer and seconder both of whom are full members of the club.
3) In the event of the number of nominations not exceeding the number of committee places, proposals may be taken from the floor on the evening of the AGM.
4) In the event of the number of nominations being equal to the number of places on the committee, no election shall be required.
5) Both the seconder and proposer must be in attendance at the AGM.
Please submit any motions or nominations before August 6th to
Proposer and Seconder must include full name and membership number with nomination.
The MRSC will acknowledge all valid nominations received so please ensure that if a nomination or motion is submitted, that an acknowledgement is also received.